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A hydraulic bladder accumulator is the hydraulic equivalent of a spring in that it stores energy and dampens an impulse or force. Bladder accumulators have been used in the field for over 60 years in hydraulic systems for numerous applications including emergency back-up power, pulsation and noise dampening, pump preservation and many more. These simple energy storage devices are necessary for optimum performance, safety and cost effectiveness in any hydraulic system. PacSeal Hydraulics’ bladder accumulators are ASME certified and trusted by system designers worldwide.

PacSeal Hydraulics also offers accumulator manifolds for reducing a hydraulic circuit’s footprint, leak points, hardware and labor costs.


  • Over 60 years of proven reliability.
  • Cannot be disassembled under pressure.
  • Interchangeable with accumulators from other manufacturers.
  • Standard rubber compounds are nitrile, cold weather or low-temperature nitrile.
  • Shells are manufactured from chrome-moly steel, seamless non-welded, pressure-tested to 1.5 times working pressure and ASME U-1A certified after third-party witness.
  • Offered in bottom-load and top-repairable configurations.
  • Standard fluid ports are available in NPT, SAE, Code 61 and Code 62.
  • All ports are machined from alloy steel and coated for corrosion prevention, while other port types and materials are offered by special order.


Bladder accumulators are used in any industry that requires reliable and functional fluid power control.

  • Emergency back-up power and safety failsafe following electrical power failure.
  • Energy conservation and pump maintenance savings by reducing the pump capacity requirements and run time from continuous operation to an as-needed basis. This provides long-term energy savings and lower pump maintenance
  • Pulsation dampening by absorbing hydraulic shocks and surges (aka water hammer) caused by the immediate change in direction or shut-off of hydraulic fluid (e.g. closing a valve or pressure regulator resetting), which can severely damage downstream and upstream components.
  • Elimination of sudden pressure drops by maintaining constant pressure on a hydraulic system, such as a press line where multiple presses are opened and closed at different times.
  • Prevention of pump cavitation by maintaining head pressure on the pump’s inlet upon start-up.
  • Retention of system pressure should line leakage occur or from fluid interflow when shifting a valve.
  • Balance of pressure variations caused by thermal expansion/contraction of fluid within a hydraulic circuit.
  • Pressurized gas storage.
  • Precise dispensing of pressurized lubricants.
  • Pressurized transfer barrier for separating fluids.
  • Instant response time for valve actuation.
  • Reduction of noise caused by pumps, relief valves, etc.

Bladder Accumulator Function (How It Works)

Energy is stored as an incompressible, high-pressure hydraulic fluid using compressible nitrogen gas in an elastomeric bladder enclosed in a high-strength steel pressure vessel. The nitrogen gas is precharged to a percentage of the maximum desired hydraulic pressure. As the hydraulic fluid is pumped into the accumulator, the nitrogen gas compresses as pressure is increased. Upon demand from the hydraulic system, the stored hydraulic power in the accumulator is automatically discharged to supplement loss in energy or absorb dramatic shocks within the circuit.

Precharged Bladder

1. Precharged with nitrogen, the bladder fills the shell and closes the spring-loaded poppet in the port assembly.

At System Pressure Bladder

2. At system pressure, the pump delivers hydraulic fluid to the accumulator, forcing the poppet open and compressing the bladder.

Discharging Bladder

3. Discharging – As system pressure decreases, stored pressurized fluid is discharged to maintain system pressure.

Fully Discharged Bladder

4. Fully discharged – Discharge continues until the system pressure stabilizes or the bladder fills all of the shell.


Model Configurator and Ordering Instructions

Use the below configurator to create a model number for an accumulator.

Ordering information for bladder kits, gas valve assemblies, plug and poppet assemblies, port assemblies and port seal kits can be found in the Accumulator Catalog.
To receive pricing, simply call PacSeal or use our Request a Quote tool.

Sizes Gal Rated Pressure Shell Port Size Port Type Service Coating
ACC1PT- 1 Pt.
ACC1QT- 1 Qt.
3 3000
4 4000
5 50001
6 60001
B1 Bottom Load-Non ASME
B2 Bottom Load-ASME
1  3/4 in.
2  #16
3  1 in.
C Code 611
S Standard
C Cold Weather
1 Standard
2 Epoxy Painted
3 Phenolic Interior
4 Water Service
ACC1- 1 Gal 3 3000
5 5000
6 6000
B Bottom Load
P Piston
1  1-1/4 in.
2  #20
3  1 in.
C Code 61
S Standard
C Cold Weather
L Low Temp
G Gas Bottle
1 Standard
2 Epoxy Painted
3 Phenolic Interior
4 Water Service
ACC2.5- 2.5 Gal. 3 3000
5 5000
6 6000
10 10000
B Bottom Load
T Top Repairable
P Piston
1  1-1/4 in.
2  #24
3  2 in.
4  #16
C Code 61
D Code 62
S Standard
C Cold Weather
H High Cycle
L Low Temp
G Gas Bottle
1 Standard
2 Epoxy Painted
3 Phenolic Interior
4 Water Service
ACC5- 5 Gal.
ACC10- 10 Gal.
ACC11- 11 Gal.
ACC15- 15 Gal.
3 3000
5 5000
6 6000
10 10000
B Bottom Load
T Top Repairable
P Piston
1  1-1/4 in.
2  #24
3  2 in.
C Code 61
D Code 62
S Standard
C Cold Weather
L Low Temp
G Gas Bottle
1 Standard
2 Epoxy Painted
3 Phenolic Interior
4 Water Service
Notes: 1Excludes 1 Pt option


pressure gauge in carrying caseComplete your accumulator circuit with accessories designed to be compatible with PacSeal Hydraulics’ accumulators.

View Accumulator Accessories

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